基石药业十项研究重磅亮相2022 ASH:天天讯息
2022-12-12 14:35:41 来源:和讯财经 编辑:




Molecular Characterization of Clinical Response and Relapse in Patients with IDH1m ND-AML Treated with Ivo+AZA in the AGILE Study(研究编号:223 发布日期:2022年12月11日04: 00AM-05: 30AM)

Combination of Menin and IDH Mutant Inhibition in Acute Myeloid Leukemia(研究编号:2645 发布日期:2022年12月12日08: 00AM-10: 00AM)

Phase Ib/2 Study of Oral Decitabine/Cedazuridine (ASTX727) and Venetoclax in Combination with the Targeted Mutant IDH1 Inhibitor Ivosidenib or the Targeted Mutant IDH2 Inhibitor Enasidenib in IDH Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia(研究编号:2746 发布日期:2022年12月12日08: 00AM-10: 00AM)

Outcomes of Patients Treated with Low-Intensity Re-Induction Therapy for Persistent Disease after a Single Intensive Induction Cycle for Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (研究编号:4951 发布日期:2022年12月12日08: 00AM-10: 00AM)

ALLG AMLM26 Phase 1B/2 Study Investigating Novel Therapies to Target Early Relapse and Clonal Evolution As Pre-Emptive Therapy in AML (INTERCEPT): A Multi-Arm, Precision-Based, Recursive, Platform Trial(研究编号:1447 发布日期:2022年12月11日07: 30AM-09: 30AM)


The Use of Avapritinib in Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis: Report of an Open-Label Compassionate Use Program in the United Kingdom(研究编号:1730 发布日期:2022年12月11日07: 30AM-09: 30AM)

An Updated Analysis on Safety and Efficacy of Avapritinib in Patients with Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis from the Explorer Clinical Study: Long-Term Efficacy and Safety(研究编号:1710 发布日期:2022年12月11日07: 30AM-09: 30AM)

Avapritinib As First-Line Therapy in Patients with Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis: Efficacy and Safety from the Pathfinder Clinical Study (研究编号:625 发布日期:2022年12月12日06: 30AM-08: 00AM)

Clonal Dynamics of ASM-AHN with Avapritinib Treatment(研究编号:2999 发布日期:2022年12月12日08: 00AM-10: 00AM)

Patterns of Disease Progression in Patients with Systemic Mastocytosis: A US Population-Level Analysis Using Health Claims-Based Dataset(研究编号:3053 发布日期:2022年12月12日08: 00AM-10: 00AM)





(责任编辑:张星钰 )



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